
Sunday 18 December 2011

Acne Cures and Myths

Unfortunately, few find it, but this is only because they haven't found the right acne cure for them. Each of us is different, and our bodies function and respond to treatment differently. What works for some, may not work for others. However, there are a few proven treatments that do provide an acne cure for a large majority of acne sufferers.

The best over the counter acne cure seems to be ProActiv. This is a skin care system that contains benzoyl peroxide as the active ingredient. It is an expensive treatment, but that is because it has proven to be so effective as an acne cure. ProActiv is a non-prescription topical acne treatment, with prescription strength benzoyl peroxide.

Accutane, which is a prescription medication, has also proven to be quite effective as an acne cure. However, it is also expensive, and as an oral medication, there is the possibility of serious side effects. Due to the possible side effects, many choose not to take this powerful drug, even though it works well for the majority of people who use this treatment.

Another acne cure seems to be retin-a. Retin-a is used to treat acne, acne scars, wrinkles, skin discoloration, and other skin disorders. It is highly effective, with few side effects. Retin-a is used as a topical treatment, and is available by prescription. However, there are other over the counter medications that contain small amounts of retin-a.

The important thing to remember is that acne cures do not work overnight. Furthermore, you may need to continue acne treatment even after the acne has cleared up, or start the treatment again should you have another outbreak in the future. Discuss the need to continue treatment with your dermatologist.

The three acne cures discussed above are expensive. However, they are expensive because they work. This doesn't mean that all expensive treatments work, it simply means that these three, which have been proven to work for the majority of people who have tried these treatments, are well worth the cost.

Acne Myths

Myth #1: Acne is caused by poor hygiene. If you believe this myth, and wash your skin hard and frequently, you can actually make your acne worse. Acne is not caused by dirt or surface skin oils. Although excess oils, dead skin and a day's accumulation of dust on the skin looks unsightly, they should not be removed by hand scrubbing. Vigorous washing and scrubbing will actually irritate the skin and make acne worse. The best approach to hygiene and acne: Gently wash your face twice a day with a mild soap, pat dry--and use an appropriate acne treatment for the acne.

Myth #2: Acne is caused by diet. Extensive scientific studies have not found a connection between diet and acne. In other words, food does not cause acne. Not chocolate. Not french fries. Not pizza. Nonetheless, some people insist that certain foods affect their acne. In that case, avoid those foods. Besides, eating a balanced diet always makes sense. However, according to the scientific evidence, if acne is being treated properly, there's no need to worry about food affecting the acne.

Myth #3: Acne is caused by stress. The ordinary stress of day-to-day living is not an important factor in acne. Severe stress that needs medical attention is sometimes treated with drugs that can cause acne as a side effect. If you think you may have acne related to a drug prescribed for stress or depression, you should consult your physician.

Myth #4: Acne is just a cosmetic disease. Yes, acne does affect the way people look and is not otherwise a serious threat to a person


Saturday 17 December 2011

Acne - Your Hormones May Be The Culprit

Copyright 2006 Tony Buel

Acne can often be considered the worst thing to happen to a teenager. Where in the world does it come from and how do you get rid it once you have it? They are a source of endless embarrassment and inconvenience! And while everyone has suffered from them to some extent, no one likes them. Major culprits in causing acne can be simple hormones.

Specifically, the male hormone 'testosterone' can cause acne. During puberty the teenagers' body is changing. During this time, most teenagers produce abnormal levels of the male hormone testosterone. Most people outgrow this condition by their early twenties, but with some people it lasts longer.

Women also produce additional hormones during the menstrual cycle, and for many women this can lead to more problems with acne. If this occurs, visiting with a doctor or other medical professional can provide a cure or remedy.

There is also a medical theory that stress contributes to acne because it causes an increased output of hormones from the adrenal glands. Additionally, hyperactive sebaceous glands are secondary to other hormone sources, menstrual cycle, stress and testosterone.

Some people's bodies also over produce something called sebum, which is a contributing factor to acne. While this is not the only cause, it certainly contributes. Add to this the accumulation of bacteria in the pores of the skin, dead skin cells accumulation, and irritation caused by scratching or rubbing.

Acne can also be caused, or made much worse by the use of anabolic steroids, used by some athletes. Also some medications contain halogens, including iodides, chlorides, and bromides. These medications can contribute to acne, as can lithium, barbiturates and androgens. Chlorine exposure can also cause a type of acne known as chloracne, which is especially severe and can be long lasting.

With the knowledge that hormones play a major role in causing acne, many of the misconceptions about acne can be addresses and discounted. One of these is diet. For many years people thought that fried foods and chocolate caused acne. There are a couple of reasons for this. People associated fried foods with oily skin, and assumed that consuming oil or grease had to make the skin greasy and more prone to acne. This is not the case. Also, teenagers are food-consuming machines. In fact, many dieticians have said that the fact that teenagers consumer so much food is the main reason their diets usually include nutritious foods - the fact that they eat everything. However, pizza, hamburgers, French fries, chocolate shakes, candy bars, and other foods that are often favorites of teenagers, have been erroneously blamed for acne for years.

While eating good, nutritious foods and making sure that you include vegetables, fruits, lean meats and whole grains in your diet will certainly improve your health, and therefore might improve acne, there is no direct link of diet and acne. French fries are not to blame, and neither are pizza or candy bars. There is just no real connection.

Also, bad personal hygiene has been blamed for acne and caused many teenagers embarrassment. No matter how clean they kept their faces they still had zits. In addition, excessive cleaning can actually make acne worse. If the skin is damaged by rough washing, or becomes dried out, then chances are acne will be worse. Also many over the counter products sold to make acne better can actually clog pores and make acne worse as well.

There are many good treatments available for acne. Of course, seeing your doctor is best. Many good prescription drugs are available. Many of these drugs can control the output of testosterone, and some can help women with menstrual cycle difficulties. If that is not an option, visit a pharmacy and consult with the pharmacist on over the counter remedies that are beneficial. Also moderate washing, good nutrition, protection of the skin when out in the sun, and time seem to be the best cures. Be encouraged that with the passage of time, everyone recovers from acne, the bane of the teenager's existence!


Friday 16 December 2011

6 Lifestyle Tips for Reducing Acne

Would you like to find out what those-in-the-know have to say about Acne? The information in the article below comes straight from well-informed experts with special knowledge about Acne.

Here are some tips that have helped hundreds of people suffering from acne. Hopefully, these will help you too:

1. Water is Best

Water is by far the most effective treatment for acne. The main support for this claim is the fact that water is alkaline (pH 7.3) and can be considered as a natural treatment or an almost free acne treatment. Thus, it is best that you drink at least eight glasses of water per day (10 to 12 is better). This will help your body in getting rid of oil, waste and toxins, and water even helps to moisten your skin as it keeps your pores from clogging. Perhaps what is most important is that, water helps to relieve stress and relax your body in the end, so you can have a better sleep. Note that water and sleep are factors that help reduce stress. Along with this, try to lessen your coffees, sodas, teas and alcohols intake as much as possible. The reason behind this is that they are partial diuretics that they drive more water out of the cells of the body than they put in.

2. Avoid Astringents

If your goal is to have a beautiful skin, then you should try to avoid astringent natural soaps and any astringent agents that shrink your skin's pores, such as oatmeal, witch hazel, very cold water and rubbing alcohol. It was found out actually that when your skin pores shrink, more oils are clogged in the pores of the skin, causing the onset of acne.

3. Avoid Stimulants

Coffee, tea, cigarettes, as well as excessive sugar from sweets and soda should be avoided. It is often said that anything potential for affecting the entire body, brain and nervous system can easily stimulate the sebaceous glands to release more oil. This oil has to leave the body through the pores, worsening your acne in the end. Stimulants even trigger stress.

4. Watch Your Diet

Note that diet affects acne. So be careful with what you eat. As much as possible, try to eat foods that are low in fat, as fats produce more oils in the body that are capable of producing acne.

5. Avoid Alcohol

A number of people think that alcohol is one of the best ways to relax and relieve stress. Well, alcohol may do this, but studies have found out that alcohol causes the formation of acne. It is considered capable for producing acne knowing that it is an astringent, thus it shrinks the skin pores, making them more prone to clogging. Aside from that, alcohol inhibits sleep, therefore causing more fatigue and stress, leading to worse acne.

6. Hot and Very Cold Count

When considering baths, you should avoid hot and very cold water on areas of the skin affected by acne. Use warm water instead; perhaps well below 98.5 degrees on your skin.


Thursday 15 December 2011

5 Tips on Getting Rid of Acne

There are many different causes for acne. The complication is not in knowing why acne occurs, it is identifying the ultimate cause for each person that has it and then figuring out the appropriate treatment for the condition. There is some good news in light of all of this. That is that there are some basic acne treatments that everyone can experiment with when it comes to getting rid of acne. Here, I will share with you the most common 5 tips on getting rid of acne.


One of the first ways that you can be successful in getting rid of acne is to engage in a diet that benefits the skin, as well as your health in general. Organic foods have recently started to gain in popularity and for a very good reason. These particular foods are not processed. Furthermore, when these foods are cultivated, harmful chemicals that can prove to be toxic to your overall health, as well as the health of your skin are not used.

Examples of these toxins include herbicides, pesticides, and similar items. If you want to recover from acne, you should ensure to eat plenty of foods that are labeled Organic. Naturally, consuming a lot of foods that are green and leafy in the vegetable category is appropriate. Furthermore, fruits and nuts are also beneficial. It is also important to consume items that contain a fair amount of water.


The second way that you can get rid of acne is by ensuring that you consume ten to twelve glasses of water a day. Each of these glasses should be at least eight ounces. I know this seems like quite a bit of water, but it is a key element when it comes to purifying the body on the whole. The more water that moves through your body, the more clean and pure the inside of the body will be.

When this happens, that purification will actually spread to the outside, or the skin. This means that when impurities invade the pores of the skin, it is highly likely that the water that you have consumed will play a vital role in quickly eliminating this obstruction. As a result, you will experience fewer blemishes.


Did you know that by increasing the amount of vitamins that you ingest, you can reduce the possibility of an acne outbreak? This is the next way that you can work on getting rid of acne. All you have to do is focus on eating foods that have high levels of vitamins A, B12, B, E, B5, & B6. If you find that it is difficult sorting through the ingredients on everything that you eat or drink in order to maximize your exposure to these vitamins, you can purchase supplements.

Many elect to simply take a multivitamin every single day. Then, there are some that purchase each of these vitamins and then rotate days on taking them. However, you decide to do it, it is important to just do it! You are sure to see immediate results when it comes to how clean and healthy your skin is!


When it comes to getting rid of acne, many individuals are turning towards natural herbs. There are a number of herbs that have been found to assist in acne complications. Red Clover is an especially popular herb because of the fact that it works to purify the blood and remove toxins from the body. Then, you have other herbal remedies such as Dandelion Root, and Alfalfa. There are even Chinese Herbs like Yang Ming and Lung Heat that can prove to be beneficial.


If you have a severe case of acne, and nothing else that you have tried is successful when getting rid of it, you should consider setting up an appointment with a dermatologist. These professionals will work closely with you to determine your triggers, skin type, and what will be the best treatment option for you as an individual.


Acne is a complex skin condition that has plagued millions and millions of people all throughout history. There are many different ways that you can approach this situation. While not all are successful for everyone, there are a few out there that can help you optimize the health of your skin. Here, you have been introduced to 5 tips on getting rid of acne give them a try!


Wednesday 14 December 2011

natural cure for acid reflux

Symptoms and Natural Cure for Acid Reflux

How would a person know if he or she has acid reflux? How does acid reflux feel like? It is a burning sensation that affects the upper abdomen after a heavy meal when a person is already relaxing. Later, the pain goes up to the breastbone and to the chest. From this discomfort, it can lead to the inflammation of the esophagus, indigestion, hoarseness and many other symptoms.

Acid reflux disease is the condition that gives uneasiness to many adults including infants by causing sudden pains and burning in the chest. Its most common symptom is called heartburn. The condition is characterized by refluxing or backing up of the stomach acid into the esophagus. While heartburn can normally take place sometimes, it cannot be always rated as acid reflux disease. But if heartburn occurs twice to thrice a week, it is more probably a symptom of acid reflux.

In many cases, the symptoms of acid reflux disease occur after a fatty meal, when drinking liquor or beverages which contains caffeine, when lying down right after meal and worse when smoking. And because of these unpleasant sensations brought about by acid reflux, it can severely affect your health and your lifestyle. A number of people who suffered from this disease also suffered in the quality of lifestyle. Who would be enjoying life if there were a constant reminder of pain? The symptoms are so obvious that you do not need a doctor to diagnose it.

For this particular disease, there could be a variety of treatments that you can choose from. Symptoms which occur less than five times in a month can easily be treated by over the counter medicines. The doctor can give you pieces of advice on the kind of medicine appropriate for you. However, if your body does not work well with the prescribed medicines, it would be best to shift to a new one or seek for another option. Medicines formulated from natural herbs have less or no side effects.

For cases of acute acid reflux, surgical treatment may already be recommended to you. The standard treatment that has been preferred for a long time is called nissen fundoplication. In this surgical procedure, the stomach is wrapped to reinforce the sphincter and thereby preventing the stomach acid from refluxing.

In any manner, the effective way of finding relief from acid reflux symptoms is the natural way. Some simple steps that can work together with your medications will effectively cast away your suffering from this disease. A modified lifestyle will help you make things better. Things to be changed include your dietary habits, refraining from smoking and minimizing the alcohol intake. Salty foods have been found out to aggravate acid reflux disease as much as the fatty foods. Taking extra table salts in your meal can expose you to graver risks.

Obesity doesn't only harm the heart but can worsen acid reflux disease as well. The excess fat in the abdomen amplifies the pressure in it causing the stomach acid to rise up to the gullet. So diet must be intensively watched out so as to avoid the symptoms and the discomfort they caused.

Natural cure of this disease also includes exercise. Proper stretching can help reduce the pressure on your stomach and subsequently helping you fight the symptoms of acid reflux disease.

If you can follow the preventive measures against acid reflux disease, then you are on your way to beating acid reflux without turning to medications.


Tuesday 13 December 2011

home remedy for acid reflux

The Right and Effective Home Remedy for Acid Reflux

Are you fond of eating junk food, protein-rich food and processed foods? If you do, well, this is bad news for you. You are certainly a candidate for an acid reflux problem in your stomach and esophagus.

Acid reflux is a condition that is a prelude to ulcer. It is caused by a disturbance in the acid-alkaline condition in the stomach.

Eating specific acid foods that are hard to digest induces stomach spasms or twitching which causes the cardiac sphincter, opening between the esophagus and stomach to open for gases to form that should not.

This is an indigestion problem that has gotten out of hand and created acid wastes to flow up to your esophagus causing an irritation. This irritation, if not controlled can result to ulcers and other infections. The acid reflux diet that you have been eating should now be changed.

Once you have the symptoms of acid reflux, you need not resort to medications at once to cure the problem. You can start with home remedies that are surely less expensive.

You may start with changing your diet. You have to say goodbye to the following food and beverages: tea, coffee, radishes, garlic, onion, spices (pepper), oils, alcohol, sugar, soft drinks, diet soft drinks, asparagus (Brussels sprouts), high protein foods, pasta noodles, corn starch, eggs, plums, prunes, cranberries, and all processed foods including junk foods. Now, you may want to cry. All your comfort foods are gone.

If you think, you cannot abruptly eliminate them in your diet; start with taking just small amounts. Then start substituting them with the following: fruits, citric fruits in small amounts though due to their acidic content, all kinds of vegetables and almonds.

If you feel that you are not feeling the acid reflux symptoms anymore, you may go back to your previous diet in moderation though to prevent recurrence of the acid reflux.

Aside from proper diet, there are practical home remedies to avoid the acid reflux symptom. They are:


Monday 12 December 2011

food to avoid with acid reflux

The Foods to Avoid that Causes Acid Reflux

Problems in the digestive system should not be neglected. There are different possible digestive system disorders or diseases that are most often neglected by many people. The most common digestive problem is the acid reflux or gastro-esophageal reflux disease, mostly known as heartburn. Acid reflux affects different ages from infants to young children and adults as well. This disorder should be given special attention because it can lead to a more serious problem that could affect the respiratory system.

Acid reflux is determined through the symptoms associated with it. Symptoms such as a burning sensation in the chest or throat, wheezing, hoarseness or other symptoms associated to it should never be neglected because these symptoms of acid reflux also are similar to heart attack.

An individual with these symptoms should immediately consult a doctor to determine if they have acid reflux disease or symptoms of a heart attack. Once the doctor has diagnosed the individual with acid reflux, they should take proper medications to aid in this condition to prevent further problems.

Fortunately, advancements in medical treatment have been introduced lately, making it possible for individuals with acid reflux to undergo medical surgery, as such, providing a permanent remedy for acid reflux in a fast surgical procedure. On the other hand, acid reflux surgery can be quite expensive; therefore, natural remedies to rid of the problem are an option for those individuals unable to have surgery.

As most people know, acid reflux or heartburn can occur at anytime but are likely to occur after having a heavy meal with high acidic foods. As such, individuals should avoid foods that are highly acidic to prevent this condition to occur. Even fried and fatty foods should be avoided. These sorts of foods can lead to more severe symptoms that could affect the respiratory system. Even chocolates are considered a no-no for individuals with acid reflux because chocolates are highly acidic too.

If you have been diagnosed with acid reflux, try changing your diet by choosing the right foods and eating healthy. Exclude foods with tomatoes and citrus fruits because tomatoes and citrus fruits are very acidic as well. Also, food with spices such as garlic, onions, red or black pepper and chili powder can cause the condition to flare. Ginger, however, is a natural remedy used to relieve heartburn.

Here are some foods that should be avoided by individuals with acid reflux. Fatty foods like hamburgers and hotdogs is one of the risks in triggering this painful condition. Certain vegetables like cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli causes acid reflux also. Most of all, avoid caffeine found in teas, coffee and sodas. Caffeine causes acid gastric secretion that can lead to the problem.

There are other ways to aid the elimination of acid reflux that does not involve eating, this is done by limiting your food intake. Usually, heavy meals in one time can cause acid reflux than eating small portions of foods in every meal. Eating heavy meals can result in stomach problems due to foods unable to breakdown properly for stomach consumption, therefore causing acid reflux.

Acid reflux is a condition that needs attention. It can lead to worse conditions if unattended. Individuals should take preventive measures to avoid possible occurrences of acid reflux, whereas, avoiding also the foods that causes acid reflux in an individual to happen. Learn to diagnose the problem caused by acid reflux and take preventive measures in avoiding possible occurrences of this disorder by avoiding possible foods that can cause acid reflux.


food that cause acid reflux

Avoid Food/Beverages That Cause Acid Reflux, Change Your Lifestyle

Many people get hungry because they lack food. Children become malnourished if they are not given the right amount of food which contains the needed vitamins and minerals which in turn make the body strong and healthy.

The fact is, not all foods are healthy. The most popular unhealthy food is 'junk foods'. Just as the word suggests, junk, which means it is like garbage. But many people are still patronizing these kinds of food.

People diagnosed with certain diseases often are given a list of foods to avoid. And this is true with the case of a person having acid reflux. Acid reflux or the GERD is a condition wherein stomach acids go back to the esophagus because of the improper functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter. If this condition is not treated, it will only get worse which can cause serious complications.

You can effectively tell if you have acid reflux if you experience symptoms like sour taste, burning sensation in the chest or upper abdomen and your throat's back, excessive belching, breathing difficulties, tightness of throat, difficulty in swallowing food, and bad breath.

If you frequently experience these symptoms, then you probably have acid reflux. Visit your doctor to get an accurate diagnosis, so that you will know the severity of your condition.

There are certain beverages and foods which cause acid reflux, and this includes the following:

- chocolate

- coffee

- spearmint and peppermint

- alcoholic drinks

- fruit juices

- fatty foods and fried foods

- onions

- citrus fruits

- spicy foods

- products which are tomato-based

- caffeinated drinks

A change in your diet is the most effective way to deal with acid reflux. Although at first you may feel deprived of these foods, think of what will happen if you continue to eat or drink these beverages and foods.

Start your change in diet by keeping a record of your food intake. In this manner, you can tell which of the foods or beverages causes your acid reflux. So every time you experience that burning sensation, take note of what you've actually eaten. Once you have the list accomplished, put it somewhere where you can easily see it, like the refrigerator.

A lifestyle change may seem rather difficult. Your doctor can greatly help you in your transition. The very first thing that you should do is to set a goal, like for instance eating small meals, while avoiding those above-mentioned foods. Slowly quit smoking and drinking. Of course, you can't expect an abrupt change.

Every time you feel any of the symptoms, you will be instantly reminded that you're on the wrong path. Self-discipline is very much important to attain a successful lifestyle change.

While many people are taking antacids, others are finding it better to stick with the natural way. On the long run, antacids are not that good for your body, even to your stomach. It would be better to start changing your lifestyle, the sooner the better.

Besides, a healthy lifestyle doesn't only prevent acid reflux but other diseases as well. You will gain more benefit in changing your life entirely, especially regarding food eating habits. Eat the right kinds of food at the right amount, and you'll stay healthy. Prevent acid reflux, change


Saturday 10 December 2011

acid reflux symptom

Be Aware of Acid Reflux by Learning its Symptoms

Every day, the digestive system is always being used due to regular food and liquid intake. When food and drinks are induced, it goes through a passage called the esophagus that helps breakdown the food. When food reaches its destination or the stomach, acid and pepsin is released to help aid in the process of digestion.

If and ever a problem in the digestive system occur, many people often neglect these possible problem by using home remedial treatment to aid with digestive problems. However, a common digestive disease that most people have neglected and encountered is the acid reflux or heartburn. This digestive disease or disorder occurs when the esophagus is irritated by the acid regurgitating to the stomach while acid is being seeped back through the esophagus and throat.

There are different kinds of digestive disease but the most common of all is acid reflux or gastro- esophageal reflux disease known also as heartburn. There are symptoms to indicate if you have acid reflux. These symptoms will likely help an individual indicate whether they have acid reflux. T

he most common symptoms that acid reflux is associated with is the searing sensation in the digestive tract, usually the chest or throat, that individuals will encounter. Even symptoms of hoarseness, acid in the mouth, sour or bitter taste, wheezing and coughing are also symptoms of acid reflux.

Luckily, acid reflux has special characteristics that are most helpful in indicating its existence. These characteristics involve particular activity to be avoided; such as avoid lying down or bending over, while other individuals have difficulty when eating. Others, however, have tried physical activity like exercise to be rid of acid reflux but unfortunately, even exercise can not ease the symptoms. Most likely, use of antacids can be helpful and can actually ease the symptoms of acid reflux. As such, symptoms of acid reflux are often mistaken for symptoms of a heart attack.

Acid reflux disease can happen to all ages including infants and young children. Although infants have a tendency to have acid reflux or heartburn, this condition usually fades in time while young children can develop acid reflux like other adults. Usually in adults, acid reflux is caused by poor diet, lack of physical activity, and even lifestyle.

There are other factors that could also cause acid reflux. These factors are most common during pregnancy because women in this stage have increased hormone levels and in sense, the stomach is being pressured due to pregnancy. Also, obesity, overeating, some beverages and medications, and particular foods are also factors that can cause acid reflux.

A person who thinks he or she has acid reflux should learn more of the symptoms caused by it. In this way, individuals can indicate this condition and take certain precautions to prevent possible occurrences due to acid reflux. For a fact, the best way to avoid acid reflux or heartburn is through prevention. By doing so, individuals will be able to avoid occurrences of acid reflux and at the same time, have a healthy lifestyle.

Most often, acid reflux are caused by inappropriate diet, therefore, have a proper diet and nutrition to aid its eradication. A patient with acid reflux can lead to a more serious condition that could cause more problems even in the respiratory system due to continuous coughing and loss of breath. If acid enters this area, it can be damaging, therefore, learn the symptoms to avoid a more serious problem due to acid reflux.


Friday 9 December 2011

acid reflux surgery

The Two Most Common Acid Reflux Surgery with Quick Recovery

Did you know that unhealthy eating habits can cause acid reflux? Based on scientific research, anyone, even infants and young children have a tendency to have acid reflux. This disorder is most common in infants and young children but in time, disappears. Acid reflux known also as gastro-esophageal reflux disease can definitely affect adults too. This is a disorder that could happen anytime especially to someone who had just had a large meal with lots of acidic foods or even someone with history of acid reflux, thus, having recurrences of the disorder due to unhealthy eating patterns.

Unhealthy diet and an inappropriate eating schedule can cause acid reflux. As a person consumes a heavy meal, full of acid foods, an abnormality in the stomach can occur like bringing back the food induced to the esophagus and throat. Acid reflux is unexplainable to many because this condition can occur anytime but are most likely to occur after several heavy meals or unhealthy eating habits.

Many people with acid reflux can control their condition by means of medical treatment and even appropriate diet. Some people with a severe condition of acid reflux should consider surgical procedures because for most people, acid reflux surgery is the best solutions for this disorder. There are several surgical procedures that acid reflux patients can choose from. The most effective and safe acid reflux surgeries are Laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery, also known as Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication and Intraluminal Endoscopic surgery that most patients encounter.

Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication, or fundoplication for short, is the most common form of acid reflux surgery. This surgery is performed by tightening the walls of the esophagus in the area next to the stomach then adding pressure to the lower esophageal muscles. When the pressure increased between the stomach and esophagus, this medical procedure prevents the content of the stomach to go upward inside the throat and esophagus. Another method mostly considered by other patients with acid reflux is having the esophageal valve tightened in order to seal the esophagus and prevent gastric acid to enter.

Intraluminal endoscopic acid reflux surgery is another acid reflux surgery that most patients prefer. This surgical procedure has the same procedure as the fundoplication except that it involves a small optical, tubular instrument that is needed to be inserted in the body and at the same time, view the inner parts of the body that needs surgical or biopsy attention thus allowing an actual biopsy or surgery to be performed. This is possible through the so called endoscope. Intraluminal endoscopic acid reflux surgery is quick and has minimal risks for the patients. As such, a post-operatory treatment is not required but allows possibly fast recovery for patients as well.

Because of medical advancement and millions of modern treatments, acid reflux can now be treated. Patients who wish to rid of acid reflux can do so because of the options given to them through possible medications, proper diet or surgery. Likewise, surgery is most recommended to people with chronic acid reflux but is now available to patients with less serious conditions of acid reflux. Henceforth, surgical procedures have been the most common way of getting rid of acid reflux completely and permanently. In mind, patients that are considering surgery will have quick recovery after the surgical procedures and will no longer have acid reflux.


Thursday 8 December 2011


Debunking the Raw Food Diet Myths

As of late, the Raw Food Diet has gained a reputation that has taken it from a diet to a popular lifestyle choice. Celebrities such as Demi Moore, Robin Williams and Alicia Silverstone swear by the raw food diet, and every day more and more people are joining the ranks of those who believe that eating raw fruits and vegetables as the key components of a health regimen is the healthiest way to live.

There are those people, however, who shy away from it, believing that the diet is inconvenient, or expensive or unhealthy. There are many myths out there as to what the Raw Food Diet is and what it isn't. By separating myth from fact, you will be able to properly assess and understand the benefits and drawbacks of the Raw Food diet, and you will be able to decide for yourself whether it is the right lifestyle change for you.

Let's talk about what the Raw Food diet is NOT.

The Raw Food diet is not a diet consisting of 100% raw foods alone. For a person to reap the benefits of raw food eating, he or she needs to eat at least 90% to 95% raw foods. That doesn't mean that you are absolutely not able to eat foods that are cooked or heated. It also doesn't mean that you can't deviate from the diet every once in a while. Of course, as with everything else, dedication and discipline is key in obtaining all you can from developing healthier eating habits. However, there are those who practice an almost raw food diet instead of an entirely raw food diet. Recipes are available all over the Internet that support that.

The Raw Food diet is also NOT an expensive diet. It's true that it seems as though lately, diets that are easy on the body are not so easy on our wallets. One only needs to take a look at the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet, Nutrisystems, Jenny Craig, diet pills, drugs, juices...the list goes on and on. But think about it: a diet consisting of mostly raw fruits, vegetables, seeds, sprouts, grains, seaweed, nuts and other cold pressed raw oils and fermented sauces is not only good for your stomach, but it costs very little. A raw food diet means that you spend your fast food money -- the money that you would have spent on that cholesterol-riddled, high-fat cheeseburger-- on a healthful salad, packed with nutrients that can help your body release toxins, help you stay trim, and ultimately improve the quality of your life.

Finally, the Raw Food diet is NOT a boring diet, meaning there is no variety. No, this has nothing to do with the health or the vegan aspect of the diet. It does have everything to do with the mentality that you have in approaching a new lifestyle. It's just like every lifestyle change you make; you wouldn't decide to go green without first researching what it means, right? Likewise, you wouldn't make the decision you change your eating habits from one thing to another without checking out how to do it. When you research the Raw Food diet you will find that there are hundreds and hundreds of recipes, food combinations, and methods of preparation that make it not only a diet filled with variety, but one brooding with many, many options on how to go through it. There are completely raw food eaters and there are also those who opt for an almost raw form of dieting. Regardless of the choice made, education, research and a positive, open mind make all of the difference in the way that you approach any new and different lifestyle.

Debunking some of the myths regarding this increasingly popular raw food lifestyle is the first step in educating yourself and ultimately deciding whether the Raw Food life is the right choice for you.


Word count: 651


Wednesday 7 December 2011

Can Your Diet Clear Up Acne Breakouts

Copyright 2006 Tony Buel

Conventional wisdom used to say that your diet (eating chocolate or greasy foods) would result in an unwanted acne breakout. Later skin professionals and dermatologists learned that there is no proven scientific connection between acne and food. But does what you eat really have a direct influence on the status of your face?

The answer is 'no', a bad food diet does not 'directly' cause an acne breakout. But, as most doctors will tell you, what you choose to put in your body will have a definite effect on your health, including your skin health. Excessive caffeine, sugary foods, and greasy, fatty snacks will all have a negative effect on our overall health. And if your skin is particularly susceptible to acne, maintaining a poor diet will definitely not help the situation. A bad food diet can therefore have an 'indirect' effect!

Choosing foods that are high in sugar, fat content, and refined carbohydrates can all be damaging to your skin health. Studies have shown that too much sugar and refined carbohydrates in your diet can lead to a surge in insulin. This can create the condition known as IGF-1, where an increase in insulin creates the over-production of male hormones. And excessive male hormones can produce an excess of sebum, the greasy stuff that can clog your pores, attract bacteria, and create an environment conducive to acne! IGF-1 is also believed to cause keratinocytes to multiply, which can wreak havoc on skin.

Saturated fats are the bad guys of the food world. Doctors have been warning of the health consequences of consuming trans fats and saturated fats. The negative consequences of saturated fats on the body are a weakening the immune system, promoting inflammation, and for those prone to acne breakouts, raising the skin's oil production level. Keep your body healthy and filled with good health-promoting nutrients for the best complexion possible. You should strive to reduce saturated fats -they will certainly not help you in your battle against acne.

But all oils are not bad. There are also good oils which are actually conducive to healthy skin. In fact, certain oils are absolutely essential. These essential fatty acids reduce inflammation and help promote healthy skin, What oils should you add to your regular diet? Fish Oil, olive oil, and flax oil are all good oils that should become a part of your diet. Fish oil and flax oil in particular are recommended for maintaining a glowing complexion.

What about vitamins and minerals? You should maintain a steady intake of vitamins and minerals to promote a healthy skin-enriching diet. Vitamin A is paramount for promoting healthy skin. Vitamin A is found in abundance in avocados and carrots. Vitamin B-6, Vitamin C, and Zinc are other important nutrients for promoting a good complexion. An easy way to ensure that you're getting all the vitamins and minerals you need to help fight acne is to eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and essential fatty acids.

One of the lesser-considered aspects of the food and acne debate is the role that food allergies play in promoting acne. Some people experience severe cases of acne even if they lead a very healthy diet and have never suffered from severe acne before. The cause could be a food allergy of some kind.

Common causes of food allergies include excess sugar, dairy products, and certain refined flours and grains. Avoid foods rich in iodine, which have been linked to acne in the past. If you consume iodized salt, make the switch to sea salt. Iodine-rich foods may include salt, liver, cheese, crabs, shellfish, clams, and kelp products. If you find dairy products exacerbate your acne, consider switching to soy or rice milk and cheese products.
Whether certain foods cause an acne or whether these foods are just one of many contributing factors is an ongoing debate. Much has been learned and much more has yet to be learned. Add to this the fact that one individual may be affected by a certain food and another not at all and you quickly learn there is no single answer, no magic bullet that will work for everyone. But hopefully this information will help you determine what works for you!